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Sedona Mountain Bike Festival Recap: Rain or Shine - Always a Good Time

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We always look forward to Sedona MTB Festival in March – it’s a welcome desert escape when winter is still winding down. And, for those of us who are mountain dwellers, a chance to get the dust off our bikes that have been hanging up since last year.

SHREDLY founder and designer Ashley Rankin riding a Transition Scout mountain bike down a techie rock feature wearing bright pink top and overalls.

SHREDLY Founder and Designer, Ashley, testing out the Transition Scout and really feeling herself in our new Flamingo Long Sleeve and overalls. Yeah, we ride in denim, too. Photo by @hannaschmidtmanphotography.


SHREDLY event team posing together in front of the SHREDLY trailer.

SHREDLY event team - Ashley, Trixie, and Stephanie making use of their Jacket layers. Photo by @hannaschmidtmanphotography.

But the thing about Sedona is that it’s actually at an impressive elevation. Which means that in early March, it can run the gamut of warm desert vibes to cold downpours on red rock. The latter was the case this year, but we weathered the, well, weather and of course had a great time!

Our favorite parts of the festival included connecting with people in person again, planning some great community initiatives with partners we can’t wait to share with you, and riding new bikes on the rowdy trails that Sedona is known for. We got close (literally) with new friends while taking shelter from the weather in our traveling trailer boutique, got to see our recently released anniversary collection make people smile, gave some sneak peaks of our spring styles (that has since launched, you can check that out here).

Another highlight was hosting two group rides with some brave riders who weren’t scared of the dark skies and looming downpours.

SHREDLY group ride leaders posing together

Our wonderful group ride leaders and weekend hype crew - Heidi, Ko, and Kara. Photo by @hannaschmidtmanphotography.

A group of women mountain bikers excited for a group ride.

The most fearless crew willing to ride in trash bags in order not to skip the group ride! Photo by @hannaschmidtmanphotography.

Of course, the festival shenanigans get a shout out, too. Bunny hopping your bike THIS HIGH is next level. But doing it on a unicycle? Goals.

A group of men and women dressed in wigs and sunglasses ready to judge the Sedona Mountain Bike Festival Bunny Hop Challenge.

The Bunny Hop Judges from the Sedona Mountain Bike other words, they know what's up. Photo by @hannaschmidtmanphotography.

A unicycle rider competing in the Sedona Mountain Bike Festival Bunny Hop Challenge.

G.O.A.L.S. and flying ponytails. Photo by @hannaschmidtmanphotography.

As always – our huge thanks to all the amazing volunteers and staff that make Sedona MTB Festival such a great occasion to bring us together. Until next year!

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